Channel: Caryn Riswold» homosexuality

A Paradox of Religion & Tradition: Homosexuality in Islam

“So, what about gay and lesbian Muslims?” The last time I taught my course on Women in Islam, we were working through Amina Wadud’s argument in Quran and Woman that equality has both cosmological and eschatological grounding in the Quran and in Islam when a student asked this question.  It was in response to Wadud’s [Read More...]

Quran, Gender, Equality: A Twitterview with Amina Wadud

Earlier this week I wrote about Scott Kugle’s book Homosexuality in Islam, and how it was the work of Amina Wadud that prompted questions leading me and my students to that book.  Here is the Twitter exchange I had with Wadud earlier last month in which she answers the question about whether heteronormativity is established [Read More...]

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